Hit the Ball and Do Not Miss

A basic Pong clone done using the XNA framework

Hit the Ball and Do Not Miss

Hit the Ball and Do Not Miss is one of the classic baby steps of game development. Pong was one of the earliest games and is a great one to start with when learning a new API and game development. The gameplay is simple. A ball bounces around the screen and two paddles bat the ball back and forth. If a paddle misses the ball, the other player scores.




What kinds of things can you learn from the source code?

My goal for this game is to provide a good example of one of the baby steps of game development. Using this code, you should be able to dissect and examine what it takes to make a complete game [Note: This game is not currently in that complete game state. I posted it early so the community could watch the progress- George]


Take a look at the code play with it and most of all, make sure you are having fun!

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